Tosca Monteyne
Tosca Monteyne (2000, Belgium) is an artist, writer and consumer. In her practice, Tosca Monteyne traces ligatures and crevices found between object, language and self, touching upon questions of assimilation, complicity and subversion. Tosca Monteyne buys and caresses and mimics and writes and sells and watches and swallows and cuts and steals and scrambles and tinkers and pastes her way through spaces between screens and discourses, tipping-straddling-flipping-tripping the line between wet dream and nightmare.

Recent paintings are infected-occupied-parasitized by alien forces taking on the shape of dolphins, letters, x-rays, swastikas and cowboys, pressurizing borders that separate body from image, painting from billboard. Using and abusing the images that flood and shape her civilian life, Tosca Monteyne seeks to untangle – or remix – presence and reification, carving out a zone of ever-ambiguous, shifting signification.